Why do we do sports?

When we are asked this question, we will answer, in most cases, something rational such as: it is to stay healthy, strengthen our body, unwind, relax or have fun in our free time.

But is it really the cause, or just the consequence?

We think that the real motivation lies elsewhere, in something irrational, instinctive, fundamental, and that has been part of our personality since our first childhood games. And this thing is the pleasure of sharing.

To better understand this, you just have to see how many forums, associations, clubs, convivials, outings and performance sharing applications emerge every day around sport.

If sport is undoubtedly one of the best ways to feel part of a community, no matter how small, it is above all because it is a formidable catalyst of friendships, which can break down all social barriers, make the fear of the unknown disappear and instantly create a climate of trust between each of us.

During the 14-18 war, this link of sport was so strong among the soldiers, that in spite of the context and the exhaustion, it succeeded in stopping the fighting and creating a surge of fraternity, the time of a soccer match between the Germans and the British!

100 years later, here we are in the midst of an unprecedented technological revolution that is bringing about a profound change in our relationships through social networks, the collaborative economy, etc. We ourselves readily embrace innovation, especially when it aims to free up our time by simplifying our lives.

But we remain aware that we must at all costs preserve the authenticity of human relationships in the midst of all these algorithms, so that the notion of sharing is not reduced one day to "likes" and trust to a few star ratings on a profile.

This starts, in our opinion, by continuing to let our childlike soul express itself and always take the time to play or do sports together. There is nothing better we can do with our time to enrich ourselves...

Stay, Share & Play